Virginia State CapitolVirginia State Capitol
BALTIMORE, Md. – CBS News reported that three people who are suspected to be white supremacists were arrested in Baltimore on Tuesday.
Two suspects, Brian Lemley, Jr., and William Garfield Bilbrough IV are accused of being members of “The Base,” a racist violent extremist group. CBS News said they have been charged with transporting and harboring aliens. Lemley has also been charged with transporting a machine gun and other firearms charges.
Patrik Jordan Matthews who is a Canadian national, also faces firearms charges, CBS News said.
According a federal official, the men were believed to be heading to Richmond for a gun-rights rally scheduled for Monday a the Virginia Capitol.
Gov. Northam said some of the rhetoric used by groups planning to attend the rally is similar to what was said in the lead-up to a deadly 2017 white nationalist rally in Charlottesville.
Northam declared a state of emergency over the threats from militia groups ahead of the rally and banned guns from the Capitol starting Friday. On Thursday a lawsuit was filed challenging his order.
Click here for full coverage of the Richmond gun-rights rally on Lobby Day