

UPDATE: New charges for parents of caged Gloucester girl

Posted 2:20 PM, May 28, 2014
and last updated 11:53 PM, May 28, 2014

Gloucester Co., Va. - Brian Gore and Shannon Gore, both sentenced to 30 years behind bars after police found their daughter living in a makeshift cage back in 2011, are now facing new charges.

The two have been served with direct indictments alleging one count each of Felony Child Neglect and one count of Felony Homicide, according to Gloucester County officials.

The Grand Jury met on May 5, 2014 and was presented evidence in support of the charges.

Officials say the charges are a result of additional information received about the remains of the child found buried under the shed.

A trial date has not yet been decided.

Stay with NewsChannel 3 for updates.

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