MURFREESBORO, N.C. - Chowan University is taking steps to make campus safer after a recent string of violent incidents.

Chowan University
Less than a week apart, the campus experienced a shooting and an armed robbery.
The university statement said three Chowan students reported that they were robbed of cell phones and a debit card near Dunn Hall. They said one of the three suspects had a firearm.
An alert went out to students and university officials said no one was injured, but a shelter in place lasted from 10:08 p.m. to 11:54 p.m.
A week earlier, there was a shooting on the other side of campus at Whites Crossing student housing.
According to the university, officers responded after a report of shots fired. In a release to students and parents, the university said, "To our knowledge, no students were injured on campus. However, two students were injured off-campus and were treated and released from area medical facilities."
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Now, the university is taking action for students' safety.
Administration held a Campus Safety Forum on September 29 and announced temporary changes for certain residence halls.
They shared with News 3 the following information:
"Beginning tonight at 9:00 pm, the perimeter doors to Belk, Dunn, Parker, and Simons Hall will be alarmed for emergency exits only. If you use these doors there will be an alarm. The main entrance for each of these residence halls is to utilized until further notice. There should be signage reminding you not to use the perimeter doors.
Campus wide visitation has temporarily been limited to 3 pm - midnight each night. We will begin utilizing deskworkers for guests to register when visiting our traditional residence halls. If you have any interest in working in this position, we are accepting applications for student desk workers for the residence halls. Please contact Mrs. Sher-Ron Laud, Director of Residence Life. Again, this is an effort to increase the security of our halls.
Hawks Nest access will be by "tapping" from 9 pm - midnight during the week. Weekend access into the Hawks Nest will be by "tapping" only.
We are aware that suspects in the recent crimes on campus were on our campus at some point. The safety of all students, staff, and faculty remain our highest priority. We appreciate your anticipated cooperation as we work to ensure the safety of this campus.
Please continue to be vigilant of your surroundings. If you see something, say something!! Safety is everyone’s responsibility. We are Chowan Strong!
Peace and Blessings,
Dr. StreeterIn addition, directed patrols of off duty officers have been used in Whites Crossing student housing community and other areas both walking and by vehicle.
Chowan will be installing cameras and this is the culmination of work and study underway prior to either of the two incidents."