VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. - Tuesday night was a big night for the newly sworn-in councilmen and women who now will sit and weigh their opinions on the Virginia Beach City Council.
But, it seemed like most eyes were on David Nygaard, who said it himself at Tuesday night’s swear-in he has had a challenging campaign up until now - and it may not be over just yet.

David Nygaard being sworn in
Earlier Tuesday, three judges ruled in his favor on sitting on city council and casting votes. However, the overall issues of where Nygaard lives will head to trial in February.
“We’ll have hearings next month, which I think is when we’ll be able to get the rest of this dismissed. But, if not, we’re happy to provide the details, which will be made sure this is put to rest," says Nygaard.
But, what was huge on the agenda was the Dome Site project.
Newly-elected city leaders rolled up their sleeves and got to work. They say the developer of the big project, Venture Realty Group, has agreed on the city’s terms when it comes to the proposed surf park and entertainment center at the Oceanfront.
The announcement pushes the project forward. The city says if the Wave project, which will be located between 18th and 20th Streets at the Oceanfront, goes as planned, it will have a major positive impact on everyone involved, including residents in the area.
“I’m excited because it addresses flooding. It addresses additional parking, which is needed at the beach and the most important thing to me is the jobs it’s going to bring to the area for small, minority-owned businesses. We’re looking at ways to make these jobs accessible in Virginia Beach," says Nygaard.
The city council will vote on the term sheet of the deal for the Dome Site next week and a final vote is set for later on this year.