NEWPORT NEWS, Va. - "Today allows us to never forget, but ensure we will always remember the life, legacy and sacrifice of Trooper Chad Dermyer," Said Wayne Huggins
Chad Dermyer was originally assigned to the state police division in Chesapeake and previously worked in the Newport News police department from June 2003 until June 2007. He also served as a police officer in Michigan and in the United States Marine Corp.
"One cannot miss the symbolism of a bridge being the manner in which we memorialize Trooper Chad Dermyer symbols of connection,cooperation and harmony. Chad was always building bridges," said Keith Hodges VA House of Delegates.
Dermyer was killed last march in Richmond after being shot during a training exercise at a Greyhound bus station. The ceremony although solemn, also had a sense of celebration that Trooper Dermyer will now be forever remembered for his sacrifice.
"It is a way for Chad to never be forgotten and it is a way for his legacy to continue," said Michelle Dermyer
Michelle Dermyer, with her two children Paige and Phillip, told the room when she was approached about where she wanted the dedication to be the answer was simple- Newport News.
"This bridge is one we drive over often when we come to Newport News. I will always feel a great sense of pride when I drive across the bridge and see Chad's name," Michelle Dermyer
Related links:
Bill aims to name bridge over I-64 in memory of fallen Trooper Chad Dermyer