PORTSMOUTH, Va. - Racist signs were found hanging inside of Churchland High School.
There are two water fountains next to each other in the hallway of the school.
Under one fountain a sign read "whites only" and the fountain next to it read "blacks only."
The school district said the student responsible for hanging the racist signs has been disciplined.
The signs were discovered on Tuesday and caused outrage on social media.
The Portsmouth School District offered the following statement:
"On Tuesday afternoon, we received a report concerning unacceptable signs posted above water fountains at Churchland High. The signs were taken down immediately, and school administration launched an investigation. Based on the results of the investigation, the principal took disciplinary action regarding this isolated incident.
In coming days, administrators, staff, and students will participate in workshops that address student conduct and that emphasize the importance of diversity and respect.
In Portsmouth Public Schools, diversity is our strength. It’s important that our students, staff and families feel safe and welcome in our schools. We will make every effort to ensure that’s the case in each of our schools."
Here’s the transcript of the call sent to Churchland High families:
"Good afternoon Churchland High families. This is Mr. Millaci.
At Churchland High School, we care about all students and staff want continue to keep you informed.
On late Tuesday afternoon, we received a report concerning offensive signs posted above water fountains here at Churchland High. The signs were taken down immediately, and school administration began an investigation. We finished the investigation this morning, and I took immediate disciplinary action against a student in this isolated incident.
The signs were up for a short period of time. We addressed the matter quickly, and there have been no disruptions to our school operations.
We are also aware that information has been posted on social media. Which is why I’m calling to provide further clarification about this incident.
In coming days, administrators, staff, and students will participate in workshops that address student conduct and that emphasize the importance of diversity, respect and the responsible use of social media. Parents, please help us by talking with your students about these matters and the implications of their actions.
Please feel free to call me directly if you have any further concerns."