BLACKSBURG, Va. – A Virginia Tech student has been charged with sexual battery.

William Gillespie
According to police, 20-year-old William Gillespie was arrested in his residence hall without incident. Police say Gillespie is from Chesapeake.
The sexual assault reportedly happened sometime in the 2016 fall semester.
Virginia Tech’s Police Chief Kevin Foust released a statement about the incident. “I am very proud of the immediacy of the actions on the part of the officers who investigated this matter. This is a fine example of the seriousness by which Virginia Tech identifies and responds to reports of sexual battery, sexual, and other related criminal matters. Virginia Tech never has and never will tolerate such criminal behavior. Much more than that, I am also very proud of the student who came forth to make the report. Sexual battery is a crime and should not be tolerated. The decision to come forth and report to the authorities is never easy. This student did a brave thing.”
Gillespie was released on a $2,500 unsecured bond. Sexual battery is a class one misdemeanor which means Gillespie could be facing up to a year in jail.