NORFOLK, Va. - Forty-thousand students are out of an education, after ITT Technical Institute shuttered its doors abruptly Tuesday morning, leaving students like Jerome Gunn at the Norfolk ITT Tech campus with many unanswered questions.
“I have two degrees here, so I feel like, was this a waste of my time going to school,” Gunn told News 3’s Merris Badcock from the Norfolk campus Tuesday afternoon.
Students say they were given no warning, and received only an email about the immediate shut down.
“It`s like breaking up with your girlfriend and sending her an email saying, `I ain`t coming home in the morning,’” said Koartri Young, another student at ITT Tech in Norfolk. “It`s crazy.”
Read the email ITT Tech sent students about their abrupt shuttering (Page 1, Page 2, Page 3)
According to ITT Tech, the school decided to close after the Department of Education told officials they could not enroll new students who use financial aid on August 25th.

ITT Tech students speak to News 3's Merris Badcock about the abrupt closing.
“I joined the military to be able to go to school, and then when I got out, and could actually go to school, it`s not worth anything,” Young told News 3.
In order to receive federal student loans, schools must be accredited. According to the Department of Education, ITT Tech was found to be out of compliance with accreditor's standards twice this year.
ITT Tech told students they could still login to the school`s website to access important items like their transcripts, but students at the Norfolk campus told News 3 the technical institute`s website is not working.
Those who spoke to News 3 say they ran up to the Norfolk campus to try and get questions answered in person.
“We had a meeting on Friday,” said student Marquis Logan. “[ITT Tech] said most likely nothing would happen, and then we got the email this morning.”
We tried to call the Norfolk campus but no one answered. We even showed up in person, but the doors were locked.
Information provided by the school to students is included below:
Important Information for You Going Forward
Please be assured that we are committed to keeping you informed about the impact on you of the closure of your school.
To that end, below is some key information to answer, what we imagine are, some of your immediate questions:
How do I see my grades?
You may access your academic record via the Student Portal by clicking this link. Please use your student email and network password to login. We expect to have all grades for the June 2016 quarter updated by Friday, September 9th.
How do I obtain a copy of my official transcript?
You may request a copy of your official transcript via the Student Portal by clicking this link. Please use your student email and network password to login. Graduates may also request an official transcript via the Alumni website by clicking this link.
Will my credits transfer to another institution?
As always, the decision to accept transfer credits is up to the receiving institution. You may view a list of other schools that have entered into articulation agreements with the ITT Technical Institutes at Additionally, we have compiled a list of schools in your area that offer similar programs of study, as well as some institutions offering similar programs online, which you may want to contact. See the following question for a list of schools.
Are there any schools in my area with similar programs of study?
Click here to download a list of schools in your area with programs of study similar to those offered by your school, as well as some institutions offering similar programs online.
When is the last day my campus will be open?
While your campus will be closing immediately at the end of the June quarter, we will continue to provide resources to assist you in obtaining your transcript and other records. Please check the Student Portal by clicking this link for updated information from us about the issues covered in this notice and other important matters. In the near term, you may also email with questions.
In the future, after the Student Portal is no longer accessible, how do I obtain a copy of my records?
After your campus has closed and the Student Portal is no longer accessible, you will be able to obtain your records and other key contact information at This site will house links to request your transcript, education verification, and other information.
Will I have to repay my student loans?
It may be possible for you to discharge your federal student loans and not have to repay them under certain circumstances. For more information about this, please click here.
For additional information on student financial aid and other options available, please also see information provided by the U.S. Department of Education available by clicking here and here.
For additional information on GI Bill benefits, please contact the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Education Call Center at 1-888-442-4551 or visit the GI Bill website by clicking here.
Please know we are extremely disappointed to have to discontinue our operations after more than 50 years of serving students.
We want to thank all of the men and women who have diligently served you throughout your studies at ITT Technical Institute. We, and they, apologize for this unexpected disruption to your education and we sincerely wish you the best as you move forward.