Hillary Clinton has a 12-point lead over Donald Trump in a Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday, but local Trump supporters say they still have faith the candidate can win here in November.
"We can't win on the trajectory we were on," said Gary C. Byler, the Hampton Roads chairman of the Trump campaign. "I believe we can win on the trajectory that we're now on."
That trajectory includes the addition of two top staffers to Trump's campaign. "It's a new day in the Trump campaign," said Byler. "I think this is the turning point a lot of us have been looking for."
Byler says that turnaround must include Trump staying on message. "Mr. Trump likes to answer questions and I hate to say it, but in modern day politics you need to be a little more disciplined in your message in order to make sure it breaks through," he said.
On the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton supporters opened an office in Suffolk on Wednesday night. Rep. Boby Scott and other democrats say they're not overly confident. "You can't take anything for granted and that's exactly what Hillary Clinton has said," Scott said. "We have to work hard from now to election day."
To show Republicans believe they're still very much in it, Donald Trump is holding a rally in Fredericksburg on Saturday.