Slover Library lit up purple to honor the life of Prince.
NORFOLK, Va. – Virginia Stage Company’s Department of Education & Community Engagement, in partnership with with Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities, presents “The Line: Art for Social Change.”
The production will be at Slover Public Library in downtown Norfolk on August 21, at 3 p.m.
The Line is the first interactive forum workshop in the department’s Art for Social Change series.
The workshop will feature scenes from James Baldwin’s play, “Blues for Mister Charlie” written in 1964.
Also included will be specials in modern dance, spoken word, digital art, and open-forum discussions and activities.
The Line will open up an opportunity to deconstruct racial boundaries and to empower community members in racially divided areas to create equitable and non-discriminatory spaces in Hampton Roads.
The Line event will also feature the work and historical input of Cultural Geographer and Christopher Newport University professor, Johnny Finn and choreography by Ann Mazzocca.