Each year, NewsChannel 3 and our community partners at Southern Bank honor 12 of our People Taking Action award winners from the past year who had the most-clicked stories on WTKR.com.
One of those recipients will receive our annual People Taking Action Humanitarian Award. That winner will receive a $2,500 gift certificate to CI Travel to book a vacation, plus a $1,000 donation from Southern Bank to the charity of their choice.
Check out the stories and vote for your favorite to win the PTA Humanitarian Award in the poll!
April 2015:
People Taking Action: Woman works to help the homeless and needy kids
May 2015:
People Taking Action: Virginia Beach teacher and mother of four takes action for the homeless
June 2015:
People Taking Action: Virginia Beach custodian gives kids special treat on last day of school
July 2015:
People Taking Action: 80-year-old Norfolk crossing guard guides kids across the street, through life
August 2015:
People Taking Action: Woman helps to save co-worker having heart attack in Newport News
September 2015:
People Taking Action: Surprising a special Chesapeake teacher
October 2015:
People Taking Action: Newport News man turns his life around, takes action for kids
November 2015:
People Taking Action: Portsmouth teacher’s assistant fighting cancer continues to inspire students
December 2015:
People Taking Action: Chesapeake breast cancer survivor pays it forward
January 2016:
People Taking Action: Dad, husband, full-time employee, but still finds time to coach multiple teams!
February 2016:
People Taking Action: Newport News nurse takes action for the homeless
March 2016: