

Beach woman says dog was attacked and killed by another dog


Virginia Beach, Va. - Thirty-two-year-old Kristen Dowdy feels lost without her little companion, a six-pound yorkie named Stoley.

"He is my best friend and he's my buddy," said Kristen.

More than a week ago, she says, another dog attacked and killed him on the beach near their home.

Now, she's reminiscing about the day she picked him out at a local pet store four years ago.

"I held him, and he kissed me and he loved me," she said.

From that day on, Stoley became a huge part of the Dowdy family. They even named him after their favorite restaurant in Virginia Beach. And he became a main side-kick to Kristen who has Down Syndrome.

Kristen's mom, Kathy, was the one walking the little guy along the beach on January 23rd.

As the two turned to head back home, Kathy says, a dog off-leash that looked like some kind of pit bull mix grabbed Stoley and wouldn't let go.

It's a sight she still can't shake free from her mind.

"He had him from behind so his head was just being shaken and he would slam it down into the sand and shake it some more,” Kathy explained. She added, “I think my mind just went blank, I screamed bloody murder."

Kathy says  the dog's owner took down her information but left before police came.

Animal Control is investigating but she says, they're still trying to track down the other owner.

She says all of it was a very devastating experience. The hardest part, though was breaking the tragic news to Kristen.

"As I opened the door she's yelling Stoley not mom just Stoley and I had to come in and tell her and, of course, I was covered with blood at this point," Kathy said.

Kristen just hopes Stoley is in a better place.

"I hope he's okay in the bottom of my heart that he's in heaven because I miss him so much."

NewsChannel 3 reached out to Animal control. We were told they could not comment on the investigation at this time because the person we need to speak to has the day off.