

Beach mayor recognizes brave first responders and civilians in statement on 2012 jet crash

Posted 2:35 PM, Mar 29, 2013

Virginia Beach, Va. – Mayor Will Sessoms has released the following statement to commemorate the Good Friday jet crash of 2012:

As Good Friday begins this Easter weekend, I would like to take a few minutes to reflect on the events that transpired nearly a year ago on Good Friday 2012, when a U.S. Navy jet lost power and crashed into the Mayfair Mews apartments off Birdneck Road.

That no one lost his or her life that day was miraculous. But the circumstances that led to that joyous conclusion are symbolic for the strength of the city of Virginia Beach. As the crisis unfolded, first responders – fire fighters, EMS, the police – risked their lives along with military personnel and everyday citizens to get people, including the jet pilots, to safety. Lives were saved because of that dedication, because of that compassion. I’ve never felt as proud of this city as I did on that fateful day.

As we awaken to a weekend of resurrection, hope and family activities, let’s rejoice in that divine intervention and let’s celebrate the true spirit of community that turned a tragic event into the Good Friday Miracle.

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