

Daughter of couple accused of locking girl in cage will not testify

Posted 2:29 AM, Feb 13, 2013
and last updated 11:13 AM, Feb 13, 2013

The daughter of Gloucester parents accused of locking their daughter in a cage won't have to testify in court about the alleged abuse.

The parents' lawyer wanted the girl to testify, but the judge said no.

Brian and Shannon Gore are charged with aggravated malicious wounding and child abuse.

Back in April 2011, officials found their daughter naked, emaciated, and covered in feces in a make shift cage.

The little girl now lives with an adoptive family.

Sheriff's deputies also found a pine box under a shed in the Gores' back yard.

Inside were the remains of an infant boy. A cause of death has never been determined.

The Gores’ lawyer also wants a change of venue, but the judge hasn't ruled on that yet.

The trial is set for March 5th.