It's Day 11 on NewsChannel 3's Innocence Watch - Jonathan Montgomery remains in the Greensville Correctional Center - even after a Hampton Circuit Court judge ordered his release earlier this month.
His accuser - Elizabeth Coast - admitted she lied about Montgomery sexually abusing her.
And that lie - is one that's held him in jail for almost four years.
During our investigation, we've been keeping in touch with Jonathan's family. They're desperate for him to come home before Thanksgiving.
Jonathan's dad expressed his appreciation to all who are taking action to free his son.
He says the family is grateful that the Mid-Atlantic Innocence Project is taking on Jonathan's case. And in his statement to NewsChannel 3 - David Montgomery - also thanked the Tidewater community for "embracing John's if (he) were their own son, grandson, brother, nephew or friend."
He goes on to say "your efforts have not gone unnoticed." We will continue to follow Jonathan Montgomery's story.