

Army Corps of engineers completes emergency dredging of Rudee Inlet

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Virginia Beach, Va. – The Army Corps of Engineers has finished emergency dredging of Rudee Inlet after shoaling from Hurricane Sandy created a navigation hazard.

The city of Virginia Beach requested the Corps conduct the emergency dredging.

The cost of the six-day dredging by the Wilmington, N.C.-based Corps dredge Merritt was approximately $80,000. The city’s share was 28% and the federal cost was 72%, according to Kristin Mazur, the Corps’ project manager for Rudee Inlet dredging operations.

Shoaling, or the buildup of mounds of sand underwater that can snag boats, occurs regularly and creates the need for dredging to keep the route to and from the Atlantic Ocean open.

Photos: Virginia Beach Oceanfront, Rudee Inlet

The dredge arrived off the Virginia Beach coastline Saturday and leaves today after working six, 12-hour days. Approximately 9,000 cubic yards of sand was dredged and placed adjacent to the inlet.