

Dynamic duo leads Oscar Smith into 2024


CHESAPEAKE, VA (WTKR)- Freshman quarterbacks are not very common at programs like Oscar Smith.

However, on a mid-September night in 2023, the coaching staff pointing right at young Lonnie Andrews III and gave him the keys to an offense with high expectations.

"The Nansemond River game, I came in after halftime, made big-time plays," Andrews, now a sophomore, recalled. "After the game, coach came up to me. He told me I won the spot. I was very happy for myself and I was very happy to just take the team and take the lead."

"I have not seen a guy this young this bright and understanding the coverages, where I don't think he even has a hair on his face yet," smiled Tigers' head coach Chris Scott.

For a young quarterback, it never hurts to have that go-to receiver lining up on your side of the ball, as well. Andrews has several playmakers, including Travis Johnson, a junior who is coming off a break-out season of his own.

"It really put me in a place for this year where I think I can get better from last year," Johnson noted. "I think I can get way better from last year."

"He can stretch the field," Scott added. "He's a home run hitter from anywhere on the field, so he can catch it and go 99 (yards) or he can catch it 50 yards deep and finish the other 40."

Last year marked the first year playing together for Andrews and Johnson, giving them a starting point to develop their chemistry. With a full season and offseason working together under their belts, this Tigers' tandem could roar the loudest come Friday nights in the fall.

"I've never been a betting man, but I would take those two in any two-on-two," Scott declared.

"Travis, as a teammate he's like a best friend," noted Andrews. "I can always to go him. He's like plan B, plan A. You can always go to him."

"It's very great chemistry, great everything, on and off the field," Johnson said.

Though young, the two are catching eyes. Johnson has more than 20 college scholarship offers, most of them coming from Power Five programs. The sophomore Andrews has offers from Virginia Tech, Syracuse and Boston College in his pocket already. Their individual success can help pace each other, as the duo dissects the game even away from the white lines.

"We're always bonding," Johnson said. "Off the field we talk about what we see on the field and what we don't like and what we do like and we just keep working off that."

"We go to a personal trainer together," added Andrews. "I go to his house sometimes. We spend time with each other and all that."

With the prolific pair leading the way, Oscar Smith is hoping to get back to playing in December. The Tigers recently won back-to-back state titles, claiming two championships within the 2021 calendar year, so the bar has been set high with this year's group striving to once again reach it.

"The expectation is always the same," Scott pointed out. "We plan to play and want to play 15 (games), but we know we can't get to 15 until you take care of the first things in camp."

"This season we came in, we know what the goal is and we're just working to get to that goal," added Andrews. "That's 15-0."

Oscar Smith begins that quest at home August 29 against Hermitage.