

Security guard shot at in Portsmouth church parking lot, walks away without a scratch on him

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PORTSMOUTH, VA — Portsmouth Police are investigating a shooting that resulted in a security guard getting shot at during a choir rehearsal in a church parking lot.

Jasper Lewis, the security guard present during the drive-by shooting, considers himself a living miracle.

"It's frightening to have someone shooting at you like that," said Lewis.

On Wednesday night, Lewis was working security outside of the church during a choir rehearsal. He said just after 6:30 p.m., a strange pickup truck drove around the parking lot multiple times.

"The third time he circled I noticed that he had turned off his headlights off," explained Lewis.

Lewis recalls three rounds of gunshots fired. After taking cover, he noticed the bullet holes.

"I looked down and saw a hole in my shoe where a bullet hit me and a couple of minutes later someone brought it to my attention that my pants leg had a bullet hole in it also," said Lewis.

Jasper Lewis believes he dodged more than one bullet. On the bottoms of his pants are two holes, one placed higher than the other.

Chuck Awanna, another security guard with the church says that even in a place of peace, violence can exist. This is why Saint Mark's Deliverance Center has spent years preparing for a possible tragedy.

"For the last ten years since we've had security here, we've been hoping that it would never happen and now it has. We are so thankful that this wasn't tragic," said Awanna.

Lewis said he's counting his blessing and so is his wife and high school sweetheart, Orlena Lewis.

"We are so grateful that he's alright and he's here with me, so grateful," said Lewis.

Lewis said he has plans for those articles of clothing that saved his life.

"I'm probably going to end up framing them to be honest with you just as a reminder of what I went through," said Lewis.

The church said it'll continue with normal operations and that some special training will be administered now. Police are still looking for that driver. The church said it's been in contact with the FBI and have video footage of the shooting that they plan on giving to investigators.

News 3 will continue following this story and bring you updates when possible.