

Virginia sales tax holiday expires July 1

school supplies
and last updated

HAMPTON ROADS, Va. - Tax relief on school supplies is something Virginia families haved counted on since 2006 when the General Assembly declared a sales tax holiday weekend at the end of the summer.

But as of July 1, 2023, that’s no more.

Previously, for one weekend in August, shoppers didn't have to pay taxes on certain items like school supplies, clothing, hurricane and emergency supplies. However, the law that allows this expires starting next month and the General Assembly has not extended it to bring it back again this year.

“It disproportionately impacts families that are lower income, losing $10 of $100 or $100 of $1,000 is a big difference for families that are in need,” said Shirley Brackett, crisis response director for the nonprofit ForKids.

ForKids, based in Chesapeake, helps provide school supplies every year to families in need.

“A lot of folks won’t think of that as a really large amount but for folks that are living the margins, even that little bit will make a difference in what they’re able to do,” said Chief People Officer Sharhonda Woods.

The nonprofit tells News 3 they're concerned donations will drop, and they'll have to foot the bill to get the backpacks for their annual drive filled.

“Last year we distributed more than $100,000 in school supplies in 1,900 backpacks, so the impact of the taxes on those products would be pretty significant,” said Brackett.

They're looking to donors to help fill in the gaps, but they recognize money is tight.

“Food costs are up, kids are out of school, daycare costs go up, grocery bills go up, summer is just a very expensive time for families in Hampton Roads,” said Brackett.

The nonprofit will begin collecting for this year's backpack drive in mid-July. More information can be found here.