GLOUCESTER, Va. - The Gloucester Daffodil Festivalwas a hit!
Organizers of the 36th annual festival that took place over the weekend estimate more than 25,000 people were in attendance. People enjoyed the plentiful sunshine and comfortable temperatures.
Vendors reported having more sales on Saturday alone than what they had during the last full-scale event, which was in 2019.
“We could not have been more pleased with how things went this weekend,” said Katey Legg, Director of Gloucester’s Parks, Recreation and Tourism Department. Her staff and countless community volunteers worked many hours preparing for the festival and ensuring everything went smoothly during the two-day event. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a crowd the size we saw on Saturday at any festival that I’ve ever been a part of,” Legg added. “And by the looks on everyone’s faces, it seemed like our visitors were ecstatic about getting outdoors and back to enjoying the festival.”
The Daffodil Show and Gloucester-hosted Mid-Atlantic American Daffodil Society Show, held at Newington Baptist Church, were also extremely popular.
The following awards were presented during opening ceremonies on Saturday:
- Scholarship Winner: Sam Cook
- 2022 Queen: Stephanie Riedell
- 2022 Little Miss: Emerson Byrd
- Fine Art Winners: Best in Show, Fine Art by John Obolewicz; 2nd place, Glass by Basha; 3rd place, The Ships Hold
- Original Handcraft: Best in Show, Jewelry Designs by Jim and Linda Harrison; 2nd place, Karen’s Glass; 3rd place, Only Once Originals; Queen’s Choice, Cat’s Candles
Parade winners include the following:
- Floats: American Legion Post 75 Auxilliary and American Legion Riders
- Serving our Community: American Legion Post 75 Auxilliary and American Legion Riders
- Schools: Ware Academy
- Best Marching: Gloucester High School NJROTC
- Our Businesses: Chesapeake Bank
- Entertainment: Courthouse Players
- History: Peninsula Classic Cruisers
- Youth Organizations: Gloucester Cub Scouts Pack #175
- Our Animals: Hooves, Paws & Claws