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Everyday Hero: Jell-O thumb wrestling supports Ice-a-holics Polar Plunge team

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GLOUCESTER, Va. — It's about that time for the Polar Plunge, a mad dash into the chilly Atlantic.

One dedicated team is gearing up once again—the Ice-a-holics. Over the years, they've raised more than $400,000 for Special Olympics Virginia.

"Oh man, it's heart-warming to have friends and family people like Neal and the radio station come and support our team," said Captain Dreux Elliott. He's talking about Neal Steele and his morning show on XTRA 99.1 out of Gloucester.

They've done some interesting fundraisers to support the Ice-a-holics, like the radio station's most recent event—jello thumb wrestling! Neal played it up big.

"We contacted the world jello bowl thumb wrestling association, and they have sanctioned this as the Virginia women's championship," he said.

And while that's an organization Neal playfully made up, this is a legit fundraiser, featuring several rounds of wacky and slippery competition with each challenger raising hundreds of dollars!

While one competitor was crowned the champ, the real winner is Special Olympics Virginia, which is why we want to present Dreux Elliott with a News 3 Everyday Hero award, along with a $300 Visa gift card from our community partner Southern Bank, which Dreux says he's donating to Special Olympics!

The big Polar Plunge is the first weekend in February. To donate or get more info click here: Special Olympics Virginia