NewsPositively Hampton Roads


Artwork around every corner of Norfolk's NEON District

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NORFOLK, Va. — As you know, every week, I like to showcase different murals, different artists across the area. Monday, I take a walk from the station through the NEON district and check out some of the murals that they have right here in Norfolk.

NEON stands for New Energy Of Norfolk. In 2010, it was designated as the first arts district in Hampton Roads.

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Even these steel signs listing the NEON attractions were designed by local artists.

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My first stop was this tribute to the military. There's no way you'll miss or want to miss this towering mural painted by local muralist, Sam Welty. I remember when this was painted in 2018.

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My next stop was this three-story mural located on the side of Glass Wheel Studio. It was painted by international painter, Alex Brewer in 2015.

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Another mural painted that same year is this one on the side of the Virginia Furniture Company. It's titled, 'Blue Sky', and was painted by Art professor John Rudel along with students at Virginia Wesleyan.

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Since I'm talking about this mural, I have to revisit the one on the side of our WTKR News 3 building because it was also painted by Rudel.

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Also located on the Virginia Furniture Company Building, this powerful mural painted in 2020, titled 'Say Their Names'. This was painted by William Paine. According to, the piece is meant to evoke emotion and conversation.


If you keep walking you'll see, 'A History of Lunchtime in Norfolk'. I love this one. It was painted by London-based artist, Matthew McGuinness, along with students from The Governor's School for the Arts. The mural shows off Norfolk's historic menu.

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And right next to 'A History of Lunchtime in Norfolk', is this 40-foot interactive mural, titled, 'Transparent Seas'. It was painted in 2016 by renowned artist Jason Levesque along with digital marketing agency Grow. Different parts of the painting are revealed under LED lights. Pretty cool!

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No matter where you look or walk, you can see a new piece of art.

Those are just a few murals that can be seen around Norfolk's NEON District. There's more to come, so stay tuned!