YORK COUNTY, Va. — Voter registration officials say it will be a long night counting ballots once the polls close on Election Day due to the number of people on the ballot and the number of early voters.
On the Peninsula, Monty Mason and Danny Diggs are facing off for state Senate seat 24.
“The Election Day results will be available first, and then it’ll take an additional hour or two for the by mail and in person early vote totals to be released,” said Walter Latham, direction of elections.

Diggs, Mason Senate race winds down with more negative television ads
State Senate seat 24 covers part of Newport News, part of James City County, and all of Williamsburg, York County, and Poquoson. Incumbant Democrat Monty Mason is being challenged by former York County sheriff Republican Danny Diggs. The race has serious implications.
“It’s an important race and it’s all about who is going to control the Senate and whether Governor Youngkin can get his common sense conservative agenda passed,” said Diggs.
“The governor has said his path to taking control of the state Senate goes through my district, and so we’ve known from the beginning that it was the top target and we’ve worked very hard to maintain control,” said Mason.
Watch previous coverage: Diggs, Mason Senate race winds down with more negative ads
Diggs said crime is an important topic of discussion.
"They want to see a reversal of these soft on crime policies where the liberal Democrats care more about criminals than they do victims,” said Diggs.
Mason said he wants to continue the work he has done for the last 10 years.
“I have a record of success and most importantly bipartisan success, this last year I passed 17 bills, and 10 of them were co-patroned or patroned by a Republican in the house,” said Mason.
Polls close in Virginia at 7 p.m. on Election Day, and 7:30 p.m. in North Carolina.