

USS James E. Williams returns to Naval Station Norfolk after 7-month NATO deployment

USS James E. Williams returns to Naval Station Norfolk after 7-month NATO deployment
USS James E. Williams
USS James E. Williams returns to Naval Station Norfolk after 7-month NATO deployment
Posted at 10:15 AM, Jul 14, 2023

NORFOLK, Va. — NORFOLK, Va. — After a seven-month deployment, Sailors aboard the USS James E. Williams (DDG 95) returned to Naval Station Norfolk on Friday.

The USS James E. Williams left Norfolk in Dec. 2022 to serve as the flagship for Standing NATO Maritime Group 2, according to the U.S. Navy. The destroyer’s Sailors were responsible for defending NATO territory and leading operations through the Mediterranean Sea.

While deployed, the crew visited a dozen cities and reinforced positive relationships with critical allies, the Navy said.

USS James E. Williams’ leadership said the deployment was a success and commended the Sailors’ focus and proficiency.

“As our deployment ends, I could not be more proud of the hard work, true dedication, pride and professionalism that our Sailors have demonstrated on this deployment,” said Cmdr. Robert Ireland.

While families waited at the pier for the ship to come in, loved ones raised their voices and homemade signs.

According to newlywed Emily Conner and mom Suzie, the life of a sailor's loved one can be described with one word.

"It's definitely a roller coaster. One minute we get so excited to hear from him and then we don't hear from him from a long time so we get a little worried," the Conners said.

New mom Alexa Engstrom says she couldn't wait to see her husband hold their five-month-old bundle of joy, Blakley, for the first time.

"I am so excited we can't contain it! I think I'm completely numb. We've been waiting for this for so long we've counted down, daydreaming we are making plans for all the things to accomplish on the bucket list," says Engstrom.

Engstrom said going through the pregnancy and labor without her husband Nick was difficult, but she made sure he didn't miss the birth.

"My nurses taped the phone to the bed so that I could be in communication with Nick the entire time throughout," Alexa said.

Even though Nick has been away for 7 months, Alexa said he always feels close by.

"Blakley looks just like him. It's amazing that when I don't get to physically be with him, I got a mini him running around with me each and every day to take this journey together," says Engstrom.

Along with a few other family members, Alexa and Blakey were some of the first to greet some of the sailors to get off the ship first.

"It's a new adventure and it's been a long time. It feels good to finally be home. Holding my new baby for the first time is absolutely amazing it's a beautiful experience," Nicks said.