

U.S. Surgeon General declares gun violence a public health crisis

Vivek Murthy
Norfolk Councilman John Paige
Posted at 11:12 PM, Jun 25, 2024

The nation’s top doctor, Dr. Vivek Murthy, the U.S Surgeon General, declaring gun violence as a public health emergency.

Murthy is taking steps to address the growing concern, after a recent mass shooting.

The advisory notes that homicides and gun-related deaths are the leading cause of death for children and teens.

Watch: Suffolk community walks against gun violence

'A tragedy for families:' Suffolk community walks against gun violence

"You should never have to bury your child. I lost my son Darren Gray on May 8th to gun violence at the city park. He was beaten by 30 people and shot by two. His case is still unsolved to this day," Roycinder Alexander, a Hampton Roads mother said.

Earlier this year, Alexander went to the state capitol in Richmond to advocate against gun violence with Moms Demand Action.

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So far this year in Hampton Roads there have been 68 deadly shootings, according to police. Portsmouth and Norfolk have the highest number of homicides.

"This is something that’s been a public health emergency since the crack epidemic. It is 100 percent an epidemic," Norfolk Councilman John Paige said.

Watch: Gun violence in focus for VB mayor following deadly shooting at Mt. Trashmore carnival

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The U.S Surgeon General advisory calls for a ban on assault rifles, universal background checks on guns and more community involvement.

"My hope is that if we understand this as a kids issue, that we will raise it on the priority list and we will see it not as a political issue but a public health issue that should concern all of us," Dr. Vivek Murthy, the U.S. Surgeon General said.

So what’s being done locally to deter kids from crime?

Watch: Those impacted by gun violence in Hampton Roads call for justice

Those impacted by gun violence in Hampton Roads call for justice

The Joe Lee Hansley Foundation works with kids, taking them on college trips and outside of their neighborhood.

"We mentor youth, take them on college trips and give scholarships. We take them out of their neighborhood and expose them to something different. They may be use to hearing gun violence," Hansley said.

If you would like to get your child or teen involved in the Joe Lee Hansley Foundation, click here