WARNING: This story contains video some viewers may find disturbing.
News 3 is getting an inside look at the response to a deadly shooting at a school in Nashville, Tenn.
Tuesday, police released body camera video showing the response to the incident.
Tuesday afternoon, News 3 sat down with Law Enforcement Analyst, former Norfolk Police Chief Larry Boone, who watched the entire video for the first time.

Boone got a first-hand look at the entire view from officers with the Metropolitan Nashville Police Dept. responding to the incident.

“I can tell you, this is picture perfect,” Boone said while watching the video with News 3 Anchor Zak Dahlheimer “This will become a national training aid for officers throughout the country. This is how it’s done.”
Boone praised the officers from MNPD, calling it a “textbook response” for handling an active threat situation.
“I’ve been a part of training, and this feels very familiar to the scenarios we put our officers through,” he said. “You run those scenarios over, and over, and over until you get it right.”

Boone also reflected on training while at the Norfolk Police Department.
“We train religiously after Columbine. There were other folks that were more proficient in terms of building searches, and they made sure that all of us had that training,” he said. “One of the things I made sure of, as being a chief, was that if you were a school resource officer, you’re going to be able to respond to an active shooter. You will not get that job unless you met the qualifications.”
News 3 also talked with Ken Trump, a national school safety consultant, and President of National School Safety and Security Services.
“Parents need to know that the vast majority of schools will never experience a school shooting,” Trump said.
Trump also emphasized to News 3 that campuses need to be prepared for anything.
“School shootings in Parkland and Uvalde created a lack of confidence by parents in law enforcement,” Trump said. “The experience that we saw in Nashville, unlike Parkland and Uvalde where people stalled [and] they didn’t react, is more expected of what’s going on in law enforcement today.”
Both Trump and Boone believe it's important for families to be engaged with police on how they train to respond to active threats.
“The biggest takeaway for citizens is how well-trained those officers are,” Boone said. “Police are just different people. We run towards danger. I guarantee you this video will garner a different level of respect for women and men in the law enforcement profession.”
Boone and Trump also commended school officials for their response on the scene when working with police.
Trump also told News 3 situational awareness is key, especially for educators.