

Spirits haunt historic Kentucky opera house

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CYNTHIANA, Ky. (LEX 18) — In a town known for Halloween celebrations, one building stands out year-round on Cynthiana's Pike Street.

The historic and haunted Rohs Opera House dates back to 1871 when the Aeollian Hall Music Association began.

More than 150 years later, "It's not very often a group will come in and not have some type of experience or evidence they share with us," said Phillip Nickerson, one of the four co-owners of the opera house.

The oldest continuous-running theater in Kentucky, Rohs still attracts thrill-seeking ghost hunters and those looking to catch a show.

The building's co-owners have experiences of their own to share, too.

"I don't want to call our ghosts Casper, but they're very friendly ghosts, and they'll play with you," said co-owner James Smith, who's also the mayor of Cynthiana.

"We call him the Shadow Man, and on occasion, he'll be caught at the back of the opera house, back near the restrooms," Nickerson said. "And he'll actually walk back and forth and then not just down the aisles but through the seats into the opera house."

"It's interesting we're standing right here because I saw a little boy standing right here in this very spot, and then he just disappeared," said Smith. "And that experience made me a believer in ghosts."

Another known spirit is the Lady of the Opera House. She's been caught on camera, appearing to glide down the balcony aisle wearing a long white veil.

Both men say they're unsure who the ghosts are or why they're here. But they believe their presence has something to do with the opera house and more than 150 years of memories on stage.

"I think maybe it might be the positive energy that brings the spirits in," Nickerson said. "They say when you pass away, maybe your spirit wants to go someplace where it had a positive experience instead of a negative experience."

If you want to experience the ghosts, there are two more chances to take the Cynthiana Ghost Walk. Tickets for Friday and Saturday night are available here.