

Report says Hampton VA Medical staff were slow to diagnose veteran's lung cancer

Hampton VA Medical Center

HAMPTON, Va. — A veteran faced delays in getting a proper diagnosis and treatment when a mass in their lung was discovered, according to a report issued by the Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Inspector General.

The veteran, who is not named, was in their 60s and experiencing chest pains when they came to the VA's emergency department in Sept. 2021.

The report details a series of communication and logistical issues that led to delays in the patient's diagnosis with lung cancer.

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"While there is no prescribed timeline for the investigation and treatment of a highly suspicious mass, the OIG would have expected that, given the age of the patient who also had a history of smoking, the development of a lung mass would warrant prompt and thorough evaluation," the report says.

The patient died in March 2022.

In a statement released Monday, Sens. Tim Kaine and Mark Warner (D-Virginia) said they were "deeply saddened and troubled" to learn of the report's findings.

Another report last year found multiple missteps in a patient's prostate cancer diagnosis.

Virginia Beach woman diagnosed with breast cancer while pregnant after years of voicing concerns

"I've been going to the Hampton VA year in and year out, and it feels like it's always two steps forward, one step back," Sen. Warner said during a stop in Norfolk on Monday. "It's inexcusable and I'm expecting the Hampton leadership team to prove to me that procedures have changed."

The latest report makes seven recommendations, including having the Medical Director review specific systems at the VA to make sure they're aren't deficiencies.

In the report, Taquisa Simmons, the director of the Hampton VA Medical Center, said she agreed with all of the recommendations.

"We are deeply saddened by the loss of this patient at the Hampton VA Health Care System," Simmons wrote. "And we empathize regarding the impact this has had on the Veteran’s family and the staff within the health care system who are very passionate about the care they provide Veterans."