EASTERN SHORE, Va. - Rep. Elaine Luria (D-Va.) toured the Eastern Shore and rural Virginia Monday to discuss the need for affordable housing.
News 3 reporter Ellen Ice caught up with Luria about what can be done.
Some of the issues discussed in the forum included zoning issues, the need to get local high schools and community colleges developing a workforce and how the Eastern Shore's infrastructure needs to improve to support more developments.
The congresswoman met with about 40 community members and leaders from the federal, state and local levels, as well as developers and nonprofits, to discuss the need for access to an affordable place to live.

Luria told News 3 one of the main issues on the Eastern Shore is the lack of water and sewer lines. She says at the federal level, she's requesting funding to help expand sewer lines.
She says there's currently a 42-mile project underway, but she's hoping they can do even more.
Luria said if the infrastructure isn't improved upon, then new developments can't be supported.
"It's really important people have access to affordable housing, to safe housing, and the kind of infrastructure and access to utilities. I think people across Hampton Roads would be shocked to know how many homes on the Eastern Shore still don't have indoor plumbing, so we are trying to tackle those issues to make sure people have suitable housing to raise their families, and there is just not enough housing on the Shore," she said.
Related: Eastern Shore gets federal money to overhaul 911 system