PORTSMOUTH, Va. — Portsmouth police are implementing a new anti-crime initiative.
In a room full of Portsmouth residents and officer with the Portsmouth Police Department, Police Chief Stephen Jenkins discussed ideas with residents about getting the community involved in detering crime. This is all through a new initiative called Portsmouth United.

"Far too long have we relied heavily on policing to solve our crime issues," Jenkins said.
That’s where Portsmouth United comes in. Jenkins calls it a community based approach to reducing homicides. He says the city received $2.8 million from the state for the program.
"How is this different from other crime initiatives police have implemented?" News 3's Leondra Head asked Chief Jenkins.
"The initiatives that you’ve seen through technology and public safety, that’s the police department trying to make the community safe," Jenkins said. "Portsmouth United is the community coming to the table and saying what they can do to make the community safer."

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Portsmouth residents filled the police department auditorium to learn about Portsmouth United.
"How are they going to be attached to the high school?" one resident asked during the forum.
"One of the things we’re going to require is that they submit an application along with a proposal," Jenkins answered.
Jenkins says Portsmouth United will partner with non-profits and schools for the initiative.

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The Joe Lee Hansley Foundation, a non-profit says they plan to apply to be a partner for Portsmouth United.
"We take kids who’ve never left their community," Hansley said. "When we’re going through the tunnel, they ask what is that. We take them on college trips. It’s not just gonna be the non-profit organizations. It’s not just gonna be the police. It’s going to take a collaborative effort of all three."
In 2023, Portsmouth saw 39 homicides. So far into 2024, the city has seen 6 homicides.
Through this new initiative, Cheif Jenkins says there will be weekly meetings held at the police department with residents.