

'I'm being indicted for you:' Trump rallies devoted fans against 'evil' Democrats and 'crooked' Biden

Donald Trump
Donald Trump
Posted at 7:30 PM, Jun 28, 2024

CHESAPEAKE, Va. — In his first speech since taking the debate stage against President Biden Thursday, presumptive Republican nominee and former President Donald Trump addressed a crowd of thousands of adoring supporters, vowing to protect their freedom and "fire" the "evil" party: the Democrats.

Donald Trump
People arrive ahead of a campaign rally for Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump in Chesapeake, Va., Friday June 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Steve Helber)

He spoke for over an hour and a half, outlining his vision for the country and what his administration would accomplish if he's elected president again.

The crowd roared when he vowed to make America great again, booed when he mentioned high-profile Democrats like Gavin Newsom, and cheered as he fist pumped and waved while exiting the stage.

WATCH FULL SPEECH: Trump rallies fans at first speech since debate against Biden

FULL SPEECH: Trump holds rally day after debating Biden

Below is a breakdown of issues Trump spoke about during the rally:


Trump opened his remarks by reflecting on his and Biden's performance during their first 2024 presidential debate Thursday night.

“We had a big victory against a man that really is looking to destroy our country. He's the worst. He's the most corrupt, the most incompetent president in the history of our country," said Trump. "And we have to take it back from that party. That's an evil party."

WATCH: Democrats, veterans hold press conference before former Trump's Chesapeake rally

Veterans and Democratic Party of Virginia speak out against Trump

He also reiterated much of his criticism on Biden's policies, including the current president's approach to border control, taxes, and environmental issues.

“He’s incapable of winning based on his far-left policies of open borders, massive tax increases, the Green New Scam [referring to the Green New Deal]—that’s a windmill on every corner, most of which don’t work," said Trump.

However, Trump says despite his performance, Biden is likely to remain the Democratic nominee this year.

"Many people are saying that after last night’s performance that Joe Biden is leaving the race. But the fact is, I don’t really believe that because he does better in polls than any of the Democrats..."

WATCH: Biden admits debate errors, tries to calm worry about his abilities

Biden admits debate errors, tries to calm worry about his abilities


Trump took issue with Biden's foreign policy approach, touching on the current state of the war in Ukraine, the Israel-Hamas war, and the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.

He doubled-down on his debate night claim that the Russia-Ukraine and Israel-Hamas wars would have never happened if he were in office.

"As soon as I left, we had the situation where Russia went into Ukraine. They would have never done that. And where Israel was attacked. And then we had inflation. And then we had that horrible, horrible event [referring to the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan]...”

Trump drew from his 2021 comments on the U.S. military's exit from Afghanistan, saying it was "the most embarrassing moment in the history of our country."


Trump warned the crowed he believes there's a chance these current conflicts will escalate into World War III.

"We’ve never been so close to World War III before and if it happens, it will be a war like no other because of the threat of certain types of weapons," said Trump. "We don’t even want to mention the word."

His knowledge of weapons and war strategy, he asserted, makes him fit to be commander in chief.

"I built our military, I totally rebuilt our military. I know more about weapons than just about anybody," said Trump.

WATCH: Trump supporters flock to Virginia farm for campaign rally

Trump supporters flock to Virginia farm for campaign rally


When speaking about rising costs and inflation, Trump brought his arguments home to Virginians.

"Virginia families are being crushed by crooked Joe. You can't afford groceries, rent, the house, a car payment or anything else," said Trump.

He said his views regarding inflation align with the approach of Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin, who he welcomed to the stage to speak at one point.

"We will make the American Dream affordable again," Trump said. "But we will bring back the American Dream—something you don't hear about anymore. You're gonna have the American Dream back working with your great Governor Glenn Youngkin, we will make Virginia greater than it has ever been before."

WATCH: Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin speaks at Trump rally

Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin speaks at Trump rally


Not lingering on the topic, Trump acknowledged his recent indictments, while calling the 2020 presidential election "rigged"—a stance he's had since the election was called in Biden's favor.

"The radical left Democrats rigged the presidential election in 2020... And we're not going to allow them to rig the presidential election in 2024. We're not going to allow it that and every time the radical left Democrats, Marxists, communists and fascists, every time they indict me, I consider it a great badge of honor. Because I'm being indicted for you," said Trump.

Trump continued, "Never forget our enemies want to take away my freedom because I will never let them take away your freedom. They want to silence me because I will never let them silence you. And in the end, they're not after me, they're after you. I just happen to be standing in their way and I always will."

WATCH: Biden-Trump debate defined by major differences in policy, personal attacks

Biden-Trump debate defined by major differences in policy, personal attacks


In Trump's closing remarks, he emphasized the slogan synonymous with his 2016, 2020, and now, his 2024 campaign:

"Together, we will make America powerful again. We will make America wealthy again. We will make America strong again. We will make America proud again. We will make America safe again. We will make America free again and we will make America great again."