

First Lady Jill Biden rallies supporters in Va. Beach ahead of debate

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Posted at 5:52 PM, Jun 27, 2024

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — In front of several dozen supporters Thursday, First Lady Jill Biden tried to energize the group ahead of the first 2024 presidential debate between President Biden and former President Trump.

The First Lady spoke for about 10 minutes and took photos with supporters at the Virginia Beach Democratic Coordinated Campaign Office.

With the Trump campaign eyeing Virginia, it's clear Democrats aren't willing to let the commonwealth slip.

"You all know there's two visions for America and you'll see that tonight when you watch the debate. You've already chosen your vision or you wouldn't be here," said Biden.

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Biden listed off things the president has done while in office, including trying to lower the cost of health care.

She said the next president may have the chance to appoint two more Supreme Court justices.

"The vision you've chosen is for strong, steady leadership versus that other vision, which is chaos and corruption. You know that Joe is the one who is fighting for our freedoms and our democracy," said Biden.

The GOP is hoping to win a presidential race for the first time since 2004 in Virginia.

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Former President Donald Trump is holding a rally on Friday in Chesapeake.

"The Biden campaign is on defense. They are struggling to maintain support among Democrat voters in traditionally Democrat places such as Virginia [and] Minnesota," said Karoline Leavitt, Trump Campaign National Press Secretary.

A recent Fox News poll found Trump and Biden tied at 48-percent, which the Trump campaign cites as their reason for coming here.

"President Trump continues to go on offense and win the hearts and minds of Republicans, Independents, and disillusioned Democrats," said Leavitt.

Still, Biden supporters remain optimistic Virginia will stay blue.

"I'm really excited to have [Biden] here. It's great to go and see that we're ready to go and take over Virginia and bring it home to Joe," said Sean Monteiro, a Biden supporter.

From here, the First Lady traveled to Atlanta for Thursday night's debate.