Weather photos: June 17

Doumar's in NorfolkNews 3 photographer Justin Fleenor
Lighting and storm clouds over Doumar's in Downtown NorfolkNews 3 photographer Justin Fleenor
Lighting and storm clouds over Doumar's in Downtown NorfolkNews 3 photographer Justin Fleenor
Lighting and storm clouds over Doumar's in Downtown NorfolkNews 3 photographer Justin Fleenor
After the storm in the Creeds area of Virginia BeachTaylor Saunders
After the storm in the Creeds area of Virginia BeachTaylor Saunders
After the storm in the Creeds area of Virginia BeachTaylor Saunders
Our News 3 Skycam captured the setting sun and a small thunderstorm side by side in Downtown Norfolk.News 3
Rainbow on one side of the farm and the sunset on the other…was a beautiful evening after the storms!Moyock, N.C.News 3 viewer Virginia Ward
ChesapeakeNews 3 viewer Harmony Newsom
News 3 viewer
This is looking east at Hilltop (Virginia Beach) around 8 p.m. Rain & thunder to the west. The pink clouds are at either end of a cloud shooting down lightningNews 3 viewer Mary Page Ferguson
We got a full rainbow down here in MoyockNews 3 viewer Virginia Ward
SuffolkNews 3 viewer Tara Crickett Bailey
News 3 viewer Megan Cobb
Poquoson before the stormNews 3 viewer Heather Evans
Poquoson after the storm passedNews 3 viewer Heather Evans
Westview Village, Virginia Beach, 8:37 p.m. First and second time capturing a lightning bolt.News 3 viewer Genie Doyle
Westview Village, Virginia Beach, 8:37 p.m. First and second time capturing a lightning bolt.News 3 viewer Genie Doyle
Westview Village, Virginia Beach, 8:37 p.m. Suspicious cloudNews 3 viewer Genie Doyle
Ahoskie, N.C.News 3 viewer Kimmi Pierce
Ahoskie, N.C.News 3 viewer Kimmi Pierce
Ahoskie, N.C.News 3 viewer Kimmi Pierce
Belvidere, N.C.News 3 viewer Madisyn Russell
ChesapeakeNews 3 viewer Bailee Pennington
ChesapeakeNews 3 viewer Bailee Pennington
Ahoskie, N.C.News 3 viewer Kimmi Pierce
Ahoskie, N.C.News 3 viewer Kimmi Pierce
Masons Creek in NorfolkDonna Morris
News 3 viewer Sandra Gamlin
News 3 viewer Sandra Gamlin
News 3 viewer Sandra Gamlin
News 3 viewer Sandra Gamlin
News 3 viewer Sandra Gamlin
News 3 viewer Sandra Gamlin
News 3 viewer Sandra Gamlin
News 3 viewer Sandra Gamlin
Bennett's Creek Quarter in SuffolkNews 3 viewer Lynn Petrie
CarrsvilleNews 3 viewer Crystal Stillman
News 3 viewer Rbecca Butler
News 3 viewer Terri Denton
News 3 viewer Terri Denton
Storm coming across the Chowan RiverNews 3 viewer
News 3 viewer Troy
News 3 viewer Troy
My daughter took some great pictures this evening. She is 15 years old and we live in the Harborview section of Suffolk.News 3
My daughter took some great pictures this evening. She is 15 years old and we live in the Harborview section of Suffolk.News 3
My daughter took some great pictures this evening. She is 15 years old and we live in the Harborview section of Suffolk.News 3
My daughter took some great pictures this evening. She is 15 years old and we live in the Harborview section of Suffolk.News 3
News 3 viewer Bubba Geise
News 3 viewer Bubba Geise
News 3 viewer Bubba Geise
Looming storms on the Hampton RiverNews 3 viewer Susan Allen Reed
Looming storms on the Hampton RiverNews 3 viewer Susan Allen Reed
Capeville as the storm passed. Minor wind, minimal rainNews 3 viewer John J. Arnold
Capeville as the storm passed. Minor wind, minimal rainNews 3 viewer John J. Arnold
Rain bands seen at the beach.News 3 viewer Sabina Lind McPHerson
Rain bands seen at the beach.News 3 viewer Sabina Lind McPherson
This was before the storm, but it looks like pure art.Amber Isabella
At the Tides game tonightNews 3 viewer Stephanie Smith
At the Tides game tonightNews 3 viewer Stephanie Smith
At the Tides game tonightNews 3 viewer Stephanie Smith