

Norfolk Public Library to suspend overdue fines with start of 1 year fine-free trial

and last updated

NORFOLK, Va. - Norfolk Public Library is joining other libraries across the country to begin a fine-free trial.

Starting July 1, NPL will begin a one-year fine-free trial and suspend overdue fines for late books and materials until June 30, 2022.

NPL currently charges 20 cents per day, per item, up to a $6.00 maximum for books and materials. All DVDs, reference books, inter library loan materials, book club kits, and Toddle Totes are charged $1.25 per day, up to a $10 maximum.

After 28 days after the due date, the item is considered lost and patrons are charged the replacement cost and processing fee.

Accounts delinquent 30 or more days are referred to the Norfolk Department of Finance and a $25 non-negotiable fee is added, even if the items are returned.

During this trial period, patrons are still expected to return or renew items on or before their due date. Fees for lost or damaged books and materials will still continue.

There will still be a checkout period with up to two renewals.

NPL will evaluate fines in one year.

To see the other libraries that have adopted this policy, view the interactive map of fine-free libraries.