

Norfolk city manager didn't violate city code when hiring police chief: City Auditor

Posted 7:34 PM, Apr 19, 2023

NORFOLK, Va. — The Office of the City Auditor says they received an allegation questioning the process City Manager Chip Filer used to hire Hampton Police Chief Mark Talbot as Norfolk's new police chief.

The office says they do not have the authority to investigate personnel issues or concerns, but it is within their jurisdiction to design investigative steps to ensure the Filer didn't violate city code, policies, or his authority during the hiring processes.

To authenticate the allegation, the office says they reviewed the applicable city codes and policies.

Based on their review, the City Auditor has determined the chief of police is considered an unclassified position and "serves at the will" of the City Manager.

As a result, the city manager has the authority to hire employees without receiving confirmation from the city council, according to the office.

However, the city code requires employees nominated by other city council appointees must be confirmed by city council.

The office says they recommend the Norfolk City Council consider amending the city code to require the city manager to receive confirmation from the council for potential employees hired for positions with "significant community engagement and visibility," as is with other appointments made by the council, to mitigate possible risks.

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