

No phones in class? Virginia Beach School Board set to vote on proposed policy

Cell phone
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VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. – In one week, on Tuesday, August 23, a proposed policy regarding cell phones will be voted on during the Virginia Beach School Board meeting.

Under the proposed policy, cell phones will not be permitted to be used during instructional hours; however, students will be permitted to have their phones with them at school.

In the policy, it states, “Student use of personal cell phones, personal communication devices, and accessories such as earbuds or personal wireless headphones are prohibited during instructional time and in instructional settings.”

It adds, “Students may not have a personal communication device “on” or in use during instructional time or in a location that allows the student to hear or see the activated device during instructional time. Any such item must be stored in a personal backpack or similar bag or purse, teacher-designated areas within the instructional setting, lockers, or in a personal vehicle.”

Parents and staff are bringing up lots of questions.

“It seems very strange to me that I’m getting phone calls from Army recruiters and Marine Corps recruiters because she’s a senior, and so she can go to war, but she can’t use her cell phone in the classroom," stated parent Stephanie Baker.

Some say a partial ban is needed.

"I think they’re a big distraction and interruption to the teachers and keep the kids not focused on what is happening in the classroom," said grandparent Michelle Jamison. "I just don’t think they belong in the classrooms."

Pam Coley says she applauds the school board for bringing this up, but she'd like to have more discussions on the topic.

"I just hope that there’s more conversation and we can find some middle ground," Coley said, adding that she'd like her son's cell phone readily available in case of an emergency.

"Getting it out and turning it on could take moments, and sometimes you don’t have those moments when there’s a safety concern," Coley explained.