VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. - The investigation into the officer-involved shooting that happened on March 20 that resulted in the death of Alvin Lamont Baum II has been concluded, police said.
Th investigation, done by the Office of the Commonwealth's Attorney, found that Officers Sean Garrison, Lake Maizel and Detectives Jason Mann and Nicholas Wengler acted in self defense of other officers and themselves at the scene of the crime when they fired their guns.
The Commonwealth's Attorney said based on law and the evidence, "it is in my opinion that these four officers were within their legal authority and were justified in the use of deadly force in the situation as it presented its self. Therefore, no criminal charges will be brought against Officers Sean Garrison, Officer Lake Maizel, Detectives Jason Mann and Deective Nicholas Wengler for the death of Alvin Lamont Baum II."
Evidence used to determine this outcome included extensive reports, interviews, diagrams, photos, audio recordings, video recordings, body camera and other information.
Alvin Lamont Baum II was the primary suspect in two homicides at the time of the incident, according to police.
The report said that when approached by police, Baum pulled out a handgun and pointed it towards officers Maizel and Rouse. Officer Garrison who was on the passenger side of Baum's vehicle and saw his gun, fired his own gun 11 times. Officer Maizel fired his gun 13 times, Detective Mann fired four times and Detective Wengler fired one time.
The Commonwealth's Attorney said the four officers fired their weapons believing the lives of Officers Maizel and Rouse were in jeopardy as they were in the direct line of fire from Baum's gun.
Click here to read the Commonwealth's Attorney's Office report.