

New Maternal Fetal Medicine Clinic in NN addresses maternal health crisis

Maternal Health

NEWPORT NEWS, Va. — Hundreds of women in the United States die each year from complications related to pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum. If you're a person of color, that rate is higher, according to the CDC.

A new Maternal Fetal Medicine Clinic in Newport News is addressing these barriers to care for women.

Since opening 3 weeks ago, practice administrators at the clinic say they've seen over 230 patients thus far.

"One of the things that we really grapple with is hypertensive diseases in pregnancy, high blood pressure, preeclampsia, or toxemia pregnancy. Obesity is a huge problem for our community as well," said Dr. Keith King, OB-GYN/Women's Health Service Line Chief for Obstetrics.

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Dr. King sees those risks firsthand. Following the rise in the rate of maternal death even here in Virginia, he says the clinic goal is to keep new mothers healthy before and after birth. He also added addressing the barriers are just as important.

"We see issues with food insecurity, we see issues with transportation, we see issues with just having to be compliant with medications that are prescribed at times. Finances are a big umbrella, but there's a lot of different disparities that we encounter" Dr. King added.

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It was important for health leaders to have a calming room for patients with dim lights and soothing sounds so mothers can decompress.

"The calming room is important because it takes the patient way from the active environment where they don't see other moms. If they've just been giving bad news about the baby or the pregnancy this room gives them time alone to accept that news and process it" said Angela Mitchell, CPC, MS, MHA Practice Administrator.

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Especially for mothers bringing life into the world without a support system or partner with them.

"We're trying the best that we can to provide as much care here at this location in addition to what we do in our regular offices to improve these pregnancy outcomes" said Dr. King

While the goal is to save lives, this clinic will also provide diagnostic testing, education, and genetic counseling. The Maternal Fetal Medicine Clinic is right next to the hospital on J Clyde Morris Blvd.