

More kids at Hampton Schools are getting a chance to learn Spanish

More kids at Hampton Schools are getting that chance to learn Spanish
More kids at Hampton Schools are getting that chance to learn Spanish
Langley Elementary School is one of the schools that offers students the opportunity to learn a new language.
and last updated

HAMPTON, Va. — Studies show learning a second language at a young age can have far-reaching impacts on other skills. More kids at Hampton Schoolsare getting that chance to learn early thanks to the expansion of a popular program.

Langley Elementary School is one of the schools that offers students the opportunity to learn a new language. The program started three years ago, and for many kids in the program, Spanish is the second language they are learning.

"We as a group decided that they would learn science and mathematics in Spanish as well as Spanish Language Arts and ELA, English Language Arts, and social studies in English," said Dr. Andrew Lloyd, the Curriculum Leader for the Hampton City schools.

The school district has received hundreds of applications since the program started. There are so many that they're now expanding to add additional classrooms.

Ryan Barber tells News 3 he was hesitant to sign his kid up for the program because he needed to figure out how it would work outside the classroom.

"All this language has been built outside of him, and right now, it's coming out like a volcano every night at dinner. When we go out to eat at restaurants, all the Spanish has been coming out of him, and it has been amazing to witness," said Barber.

Ryan says his son has been able to teach his family some Spanish back at home, and he is now learning it himself.

"We are trying. I downloaded an app on my phone, and we practice at home, but we use our cheats when available. Just trying to keep up with a 2nd grader in Spanish is pretty fun," said Barber.

After doing the research and seeing the benefits of speaking Spanish, Barber knows this is the best learning environment for his son.

"One of the beautiful things about this program is that he will have more options by being bilingual for sure," said Barber.

Applications for the program open towards the end of the school year and will be selected through a lottery system.