

For the first time, a woman is in command of a Navy aircraft carrier

Capt. Amy Bauernschmidt took command last week
and last updated

SAN DIEGO, Calif. — For the first time, a woman is now in command of one of the Navy's aircraft carriers.

Captain Amy Bauernschmidt took command of the USS Abraham Lincoln in San Diego last week.

This is not Bauernschmidt's first time making history. She was also the first woman to be Executive Officer, the number two position, on a carrier.

Bauernschmidt held the Executive Officer job, also on the Lincoln, from 2016 to 2019 when the ship was based in Hampton Roads.

Her most recent assignment was Commanding Officer of the USS San Diego.

Bauernschmidt served in helicopter squadrons throughout her Navy career.

She is a member of the U.S. Naval Academy Class of 1994, which was the first graduating class in which women were allowed to serve on combatant ships and aircraft.

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