

COVID-19 travel restrictions lifted for 77% of military installations including JBLE

Langley Air Force Base, Joint Base Langley-Eustis
and last updated

HAMPTON ROADS, Va. - COVID-19 travel restrictions for military installation bases across the nation, including Hampton Roads, have been updated.

As of September 13, Joint Base Langley-Eustis is the only local base to have restrictions lifted. Restrictions have been lifted at 176 out of 230 installations, making up 77% of installations.

Of the 176 installations with lifted travel restrictions this week, two reinstated travel restrictions while zero lifted restrictions.

Installations such as Norfolk Naval Base and Yorktown Weapons Naval Station's COVID-19 travel restrictions have not been lifted as of September 13.

Unrestricted travel is allowed for Service members or civilians between installations that have met the criteria of the Secretary of Defense memorandum on the conditions-based approach to personnel movement and travel dated March 15, 2021. If either installation does not meet the criteria, an exemption or waiver would be required.

Installation criteria must be met before travel restrictions can be lifted for an installation by the DA&M, the Secretary of a Military Department, or a Combatant Commander. Criteria include no travel restrictions, HPCON below Charlie, essential services available, and quality assurance in place for

If installation conditions are subsequently not met, the approval authority decides if travel restrictions should be reinstated.

For a full list of COVID-19 travel installation restrictions, click here.