NORFOLK, Va. — We are following up on the 4,000 beagles that were rescued from a breeding facility in Cumberland, Virginia. This was possible after a PETA investigation revealed the mistreatment of the dogs at the facility. Mabel is one of the beagles rescued from the facility. She now lives in Norfolk, and continues to adjust to life outside the facility.
"So she lived in a cage for almost 7 years. She was used for breeding, so she just lived in a cage and had puppies. She had never experienced anything outside of a cage until a year ago," said Natalie Hawkins, Mabel’s owner.
Natalie Hawkins, who is an employee with PETA, fostered Mabel . She ultimately ended up falling in love with her and adopting her.

Nearly 50 beagles from Envigo facility to arrive at Williamsburg rescue, SPCA
"She likes to go for walks," said Hawkins. "That's something that she only recently started enjoying before I think walks were a little much for her. She had never been outside before, so it was a bit overwhelming."
Mable, along with the thousands of pups rescued, were a huge impact to a recent bill U.S. Senator Tim Kaine cosponsored The Better Collaboration, Accountability, and Regulatory Enforcement for Animals Act.
It would allow for the DOJ to quickly step in and prevent animal abuse.
"No more cages for her," said Hawkis about Mabel. "She gets to relax and do whatever she wants."