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Virginia Beach to allow high schoolers to use cell phones during lunch

School cell phone pouches
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VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — Virginia Beach public high school students will be allowed access to their cell phones during lunch, following a school board policy vote Tuesday night.

The policy, agreed on unanimously by the board, differs slightly from the Virginia Department of Education's final guidance recommending no cell phones "from bell to bell."

High school students will not be allowed to use their phones or smart watches during instructional time, keeping them in backpacks, lockers, or cars.

This policy in Virginia Beach Public Schools goes into effect on January 6, 2025.

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Mental health expert talks cell phones in school after Norfolk's policy decision

This comes a week after the city of Norfolk announced it was adopting the state recommended policy of "no cell from bell to bell." This guidance, based on Gov. Glenn Youngkin's Executive Order 33 aimed at addressing mental health issues in kids due to phones and social media, prohibits the use of any device capable of sending or receiving messages, pictures or video during school hours.

Norfolk's policy goes into effect on Jan. 1, 2025.

Youngkin’s office says the order was issued to remove classroom distractions. It also aims to improve the mental health of students across the commonwealth, as spending more than three hours a day on social media doubles the risk of poor mental health for adolescents, according to a study the governor cited. The order calls for school divisions to have cell phone policies in place by the new year, and VDOE is allowing districts to decide some of the limits.

Watch related coverage: Norfolk Public Schools to adopt no cell phones 'from bell to bell' policy

Norfolk Public Schools to adopt no cell phones 'from bell to bell' policy

News 3 previously reported that VBCPS saw an increase in violations this year with regards to their current cell phone policy. Officials had hoped to fine-tune the policy so it can be more effectively implemented.

The new policy varies depending on which level of schooling the student is in:

Elementary School: Students are not allowed to have phone at all on school grounds.

Middle School: Students must store phones in lockers from the first bell to the final bell of the day.

High School: Students must store phones in lockers from the first bell to the final bell of the day, but are permitted to use them during lunch.

Under this policy, students would also be able to access and use phones in the case of a medical or safety emergency.

Parents spoke at the board meeting Tuesday in favor of allowing phones during lunch.

"Lunch breaks are meant for recharging," said one parent. "It also gives them the chance to check-in with parents, work or after school activity."

School districts across the commonwealth have until Jan. 1, 2025, to implement Youngkin's executive order.

Watch related coverage: How does cell phone policy work in school emergencies?

How does VDOE cell phone guidelines work in school emergency?