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Virginia Beach girl fighting cancer surprised by local charity with her own backyard playset

Photo Sep 07 2024, 12 52 45 PM.jpg
Photo Sep 07 2024, 12 52 53 PM.jpg

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — A local girl battling cancer was surprised with a special gift over the weekend, her very own outdoor playset customized and designed specifically to her needs.

Five-year-old Lilah is not only a little warrior, but she is also a handy little helper. She was eager to get in on the action putting her playset together that she stepped in to help volunteers put all the pieces together.

The playset is funded by the Chartway Credit Union’s charity, the Chartway Promise Foundation. The Chartway Promise Foundation partnered with Roc Solid Foundation, a local nonprofit organization, to help gift Lilah her playset.

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Roc Solid Nation was founded by pediatric cancer survivor, Eric Newman and is known for distributing Ready Bags to families when their child is diagnosed with cancer. It is also known to gift children their very own backyard playset to help give them hope and joy during their fight and treatment with cancer.

Since the late 1950s, Chartway Credit Union and Chartway Promise Foundation has been working tirelessly to help families thrive and live comfortably. To this day, the charity has granted nearly $15 million to provide medically fragile children and their families notable experiences that help bring joy and hope.

Lilah’s playset is designed specifically to her needs, providing her a safe space to be herself, live her best life, play, and create positive memories during her battle with cancer.

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Her mother, Ashley, is grateful that her daughter does not have to go through her fight alone.

“It means so much, just to see all the people that care about what she's going through and want to help our family and give her a nice, safe place to play,” she says.

Lilah was diagnosed with cancer in March and even though it has been a long ride, that does not stop her from being a kid and having fun.

"The slide kind of goes really fast. I like it," she says.

To learn more about the Chartway Promise Foundation and how to get involved, you can go to their website.