VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — Family members told News 3 the name of the 16-year-old shot on Tuesday near Bryce Lane in Virginia Beach was Jordan Williams.
"I just wish it didn't happen like this," Camaiya Spain, Williams's sister, said.
Spain said her family is trying to stay strong after they learned her brother was killed late Tuesday afternoon.

Virginia Beach
Virginia Beach teen charged with murder; accused of killing 16-year-old
She said her little brother, whom everyone called Bird, was a sophomore at Tallwood High School.
She said her brother loved being with family, being on the basketball court and being in school.

Spain said her last conversation was last week, and they talked about what he was working toward after school.
"I'll never get to experience getting a niece or nephew out of him or seeing him walk the stage," Spain said. "That's the main thing he was worried about was school, and y'all took that dream away from him. "
With what's known so far, Spain said her brother was at the basketball courts at Level Green Park near where he lives when he felt unsafe around a group of people.
Watch previous coverage: Virginia Beach teen charged with murder; accused of killing 16-year-old
She said she was told her brother began to run home and was later shot several times near a cut-through onto Bryce Lane.
Police have arrested on 16-year-old and have charged him with first-degree murder.
"My dad is really hurt about it, that's the main thing because it's his second go around with losing a child at a young age to gun violence," Spain said.
Spain said Friday is the four-year mark of the death of their 15-year-old sister who was a victim of gun violence as well.
Williams's family members also provided these statements when asked about his passing:
"My baby was taken away from me at 16 years old, I will never be able to hug, kiss, go on family vacations, or out to eat with him at his favorite places or see him get his driver's license," Ree'Anna Williams, Williams's mom, said in a statement. "I will never get a chance to see his smile, him play basketball again, go to the prom or graduate. My son had a heart of gold and a smile that would light up any room."
"To my sweet hardheaded brother l loved you then, l love you now, I will love you forever, to infinity and beyond," Camani Spain. "Gone but not forgotten, gone but forever here. No longer living in this world, but always and forever near. I love you forever words can voice itself."
"To my baby brother, I’ll always love you and you’ll forever be a part of our hearts," Jaz Williams, Williams's sister said. "I will never forget the memories we shared you’ll always be my sweet gentle giant."

Spain said her family is planning something for Bird in the coming days, but as they remember the memories they had with him, they're asking the community to make sure their guns are secured.
"Lock your guns up that's the main thing don't let no kids get to no guns if your child has one just take it," Spain said.
If you know anything about this shooting please give Crime Solvers a call at 1-888- LOCK-U-UP.