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Here's how some Hampton Roads residents are planning to beat the heat


VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — With hot days like we had on Friday, it can be tough for those who are more vulnerable to heat-related illnesses like seniors and those who have to work in the sun all day long.

"It's cooler in the morning around 6 or 6:30 pm. I'll get up and go out in the yard and trim whatever bushed as so fourth I have to have," said John Fitchet, a senior living in Virginia Beach.

Fitchet is an early riser and he knows that when the temperature feels like it's in the triple digits he has to get his work done early.

Watch: Heat warning issued; Norfolk opens cooling centers

Heat warning issued; Norfolk opens cooling centers

"When my work is done I jump in the pool and do a few laps and it's called quitting for the day," Fitchet said.

Diane Hartley, with the Peninsula Agency on Aging, says during extreme heat like on Friday her volunteer team is not just delivering meals to the senior population but also checking in to see if they're beating the heat.


"Extreme heat can cause breathing problems and certainly People with medical conditions such as COPD it can be a risk factor for folks who are in homes that are excessively warm," Hartley said.

She recommends those of a certain age stay inside during the hottest parts of the day, wear loose clothes, stay hydrated, and if you have to go out, leave early in the morning or evening.

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Amid heat, volunteers aid those experiencing homelessness in Hampton Roads

Hector Miranda with W.T Anderson Roofing and Siding in Norfolk said when it comes to the heat he tells his crew to hydrate.

"If you start drinking water in the morning that might not help you so much, you have to start drinking water the night before because throughout the night and in the morning you're already dehydrated by the time you get to the job site," Miranda said.


Miranda said during extreme heat crews working in construction take longer breaks and in some cases like on Friday they will end the day early.

"You know our rule is we tear off what we can put back on. So we don't try to tackle too much on a hot day like today," Miranda said.


He said what's most important if you're outside in the heat is to just listen to your body and play it safe.

"We just have to have those preventative measures in place to be able to adjust to the weather, we have tried to control the weather but we're not there yet," Miranda said.