VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — The Virginia Beach community gathered Tuesday evening to remember a teenager who lost his life to gun violence last week.
On May 7, 16-year-old Jordan Williams was shot and killed near Bryce Lane in Virginia Beach.
Williams, who was called 'Bird' and 'Jo-Jo' by those close to him, was a sophomore at Tallwood High School.

“My son had a heart of gold," said Anne-Marie Williams, Jordan's mother. "My son was lovable, likeable, used to joke around all the time."
Williams was honored and remembered in a vigil at Level Green Park on Tuesday.
“He’s smiling," Anne-Marie said. "Because he knows he had friends, he knows he had family. My baby's happy."
According to family members, it was at this same park where Williams felt unsafe while playing basketball, deciding to run home. He was then allegedly shot while running through a cut-through on Bryce Lane.

Virginia Beach
Family mourns the loss of 16-year-old shot, killed in Virginia Beach
However, last Wednesday during a thunderstorm, Anne-Marie said she saw Jordan again.
“When the bedroom lit up it was like the sky opened up,” she told News 3. "And I don’t know what relative it was of his, but his arms were out, he had my baby, and Jordan said 'Mom, I’m okay, I’m good.'"
Police have since arrested a 16-year-old and have charged him with first-degree murder.
Friday also marked four years since the family lost a 15-year-old girl—the sister of Camaiya Spain, another family member News 3 spoke to.

Virginia Beach
Virginia Beach teen charged with murder; accused of killing 16-year-old
"My dad is really hurt about it, that's the main thing because it's his second go around with losing a child at a young age to gun violence," Spain said.
Anne-Marie also had a message for parents, encouraging them to keep an eye on their kids.
“The kids are supposed to bury their parents, parents not supposed to bury their kids," she said. "And it just keeps happening and happening and happening. And it’s sad! Parents if you found a gun, you get a gun. lock it up!”
If you know anything about this shooting call the crime line a call at 1-888- LOCK-U-UP.