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Norfolk pastor preaches forgiveness after 30+ church windows were vandalized


NORFOLK, Va. — It was around 6:30 Thursday morning when Troy Garrett, the pastor of Ocean View Lighthouse Church, got a disturbing phone call.

On the other end on the line was a member of his church.

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Garrett said the parishioner had been driving by when they saw a number of windows on the church had been vandalized.

Troy Garrett, Pastor of Ocean View Lighthouse Church

Checking his security cameras, Garrett said he saw someone taking landscaping stones and throwing them into the church windows. It all happened around midnight.


In total, 31 windows were damaged Garrett told News 3's Jay Greene.


Garrett, who's been pastor for two years now, said he did file a police report and is hoping for justice in this case, but he's also preaching a message of love.

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"Forgive the person who did it," he said. "We don’t know why and it’s not my job to figure out why. It’s my job to live and forgive no matter what."

Volunteers were hard at work Thursday night, working to board up the windows. A neighbor even brought them some bottles of water.


News 3 is still waiting to hear back from Norfolk police about their investigation.

As for Pastor Garrett, he said services are still scheduled as usual for the weekend.