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Norfolk Border Protection freezes shipment of counterfeit air conditioners from China

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Posted 8:36 PM, Jul 03, 2024
and last updated 9:29 PM, Jul 03, 2024

NORFOLK, Va. — U.S. Customs and Border Protection seized a shipment of air conditioners from China worth $95,000 for bearing counterfeit Energy Star certification marks.

Three-hundred and five window air conditioners were initially examined on May 21, as they were destined for Arcadia, California, according to U.S. CBP.

Upon investigation, officers were unable to locate the models in the online listing certified by the EPA. The shipment was then located and detained for futher review, says the CBP.

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After consulting with the EPA, CBP's trade experts determined on June 21 that the air conditioners were unable to bear the Energy Star name and design marks, and where therefore counterfeit.

“Unscrupulous manufacturers and vendors illegally profit on the sale of substandard counterfeit products at the expense and safety of American consumers,” said Mark Laria, CBP’s Area Port Director for the Area Port of Norfolk-Newport News, Va in a press release. “Customs and Border Protection urges consumers to protect their health and wallets by buying authentic consumer goods from reputable or authorized vendors.”

CBP officers seized the counterfeit air conditioners on Thursday.