NORFOLK, Va. — The clock adjustment that comes with daylight saving time isn't just about enjoying the rays after work — it can lead to some challenges too.
Folks in Ghent told News 3 that they're taking the spring forward in stride.
"I don't really have any big opinions about it, but I do like the extra sunlight that we get when the time changes," said Alyssa Jackson of Norfolk.
"It's nice to be able to walk after work and have it still be light out and not super dark," said Norfolk resident Thomas Conner.
Many people had plans for taking advantage of the longer evenings.
"Maybe going out to restaurants more," said Emma Wasylua of Norfolk.
The suspected boost to the retail sector — as people take the lighter evenings to shop and dine — is a big reason why some like the time change.
There's some merit to the claim, too, since a 2016 study found retail spending dropped by 3.5% when clocks switch back in the fall. That impact may not be as significant now with the online shopping boom.
Others aren't so enthused by daylight saving time, citing drawbacks like decreased productivity and health risks with sleep disruption.
"I had to get up early for church. The extra hour, getting up early, it's a little harder," Jackson said.
It means the weeks after the change can be a dangerous time on the roads. Officials from AAA report that a lack of sleep can impair reaction time and judgment.
"Whenever you have any factors that change how drivers drive, whether that be the daylight or their circadian rhythm being interrupted by the time change, there's just always that potential for things to go wrong," said AAA Tidewater Public Relations Specialist Ryan Adcock.
Adcock hopes drivers and pedestrians will remain alert, especially in our heavily trafficked areas. As AAA reports, those deprived of four or more hours of sleep exhibit impairments similar to drunk drivers.
Arizona and Hawaii are the only two states that don't observe daylight saving time.
For the rest of us, the debate on whether to continue adjusting our clocks continues.